Are there
short-cuts in the sky,
summer moon?
(Lady Sute Jo, trans. Stryk)
How long the day:
the boat is talking
with the shore
The thief left it behind –
the moon
at the window
(Ryokan, translated Stevens)
Spring rain –
everything becomes
more lovely
(Lady Chiyo-ni)
Shelling peas –
hard rain falling
on the chimney cowling
(Maggie West)
Do this! Do that!
Spring cleaning
Mom’s in a bad mood
(Matt Hunt, age 11)
Scooping up water –
the moon in my hands, I pick up
nothing at all
(Sirintip Pumson, age 11)
By the flare
of each rocket
I see my friend
(Misato Hirashita, age 12)
Snowflakes falling
watching from my window
sipping hot chocolate
(Emily Wiseman, age 9)
Drawing a house
with a fenced-in yard
the deaf boy
Five mince pies
in tissue paper –
no message, no name
In a passing car
just time to see
the batsman, out
(Jackie Hardy)
It’s no use mouthing
O after O at me –
I don’t speak goldfish!
(David Cobb)
Birthday dinner –
lid of the ricepot
bubbling over
(David Cobb)
Children panicking
out of the tiger cage
a wasp
(David Cobb)
Coming down
through lark-song, my daughter
on a parachute
(David Cobb)
Early morning
Anglers’ heads
Floating on mist
(Ken Etchells)
The wind on my forehead –
With a flash of lightning
The cold cold rain
(Amanda Harrison, age 10)
The hard stone is in
The shape of an egg – it’s nice and smooth
And feels like gold
(Anon, age 6)
Walking in the wind
My ears so cold
My eyes are watering
(Kieran Keenan, age 11)
The football pitch
Is waiting for me –
Who’s got the ball?
(Daniel West, age 10)
Shell –
I can hear the sea brushing
Up and down on the shore
(Adam Henderson age 10)
Little pads on her feet
As she climbs up the tube –
Running in the wheel
(Louise Lyne, age 9)
In a purple mood
Hiding out on the wild moors
Happily climbing
(Anon, age 10)
The roar of the sea
A great crashing of thunder –
Wood floating on water
(Anon, age 11)
A big pair of socks
Somebody’s touching me
I’m full up now
(Anon, age 7)
Daddy longlegs
You look so awesome – dancing
On the ceiling
(Bill Wyatt)
A child blows
Into a balloon…
The balloon blows back
(David Cobb)
Summer returning
The sound of a tractor
Drives through the open door
(Caroline Gourlay)
Close circuit TV:
watching myself going
the other way
(David Cobb)